Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Outdoor Activities at Nirwana Gardens

Nirwana Garden Resorts is an integrated tourism area located at Lagoi. The land area of ​​330 hectares and filled with lush tropical plants. Beautiful white sand beach with a bluish green water hue looks very tempting and can attract the visitors to immediately plunge and swim. It is suitable for family recreation or just away from the noise of the city.

There are six properties of Nirwana Resort, including Nirwana Resort Hotel, Mayang Sari Beach Resort, Nirwana Beach Club, Banyu Biru Villa, Grand Lagoi Hotel and Indra Maya Villa. Nirwana Resort becomes a haven for the glamorous seafarers with privacy as their top priority.  There are various game options that guests can try, both indoor and outdoor activities.

Ninebot Tour
On 4 March 2018 Me and my friend try some activities at Nirwana Resorts. For the first we choose to playing ninebot. It so much fun activity to trying the ninebot. We will take a leisurely pace while enjoying the scenic beauty of the resort. The best thing I like is when we walked around the white sand beach with blue sea.

But before trying this game, we are required to wear safety equipment and listen to the instructor's directions on ninebot operations, how to start and stop. You just have to set foot on segway. When balanced, just adjust your body weight to move. Lean forward to start, backward to reduce speed. Move the handle to the right and left sides to turn.
Ninebot Tour

Elephant Tour
This activity is also quite fun. I have never touched the body of a very big elephant before, hehe. But on that day, I'm not only hold a part of body of elephant, but I also sit on elephant lap. How does it feel? Uuuuuuuu, I'm very nervous guys.

When I was child I just can see this extreme activity from a distance while thinking, how does it feel? sitting on the air freely like a bird. And you wanna know what i'm feeling? I'm excited and really enjoyed beautiful scenery of Lagoi Beach. We will wear safety first, sitting on the back of the boat and then pulled by rope and boat. Then, we flying yeah.
 Parasailing Nirwana Resort
 Calypso Floating Bar

After playing long enough with the heat of the sun, we immediately rinsed and cleaned up and then proceeded to Calypso Floating Bar. One of my favorite places in Nirwana Gardens. The Calypso Floating Bar is a Caribbean-style bar with a Rastafarian influence. Opening hours are open from 4.00pm-10.30am with capacity 30 people. Visitors can enjoy the calm atmosphere with soft breeze while enjoying the beauty of the sunset with a refreshing drink.

The sun was gone, the night has come. Before you going to sleep your stomach needs to be filled to stay energized after a day of activity right? so we enjoyed dinner at pool side restaurant. During the dinner, guests will be entertained with traditional and modern dance. Me and my friend so enjoyed with the atmosphere. So I'd like to say to Nirwana Resort. Thanks for this super cool holiday.

Nirwana Gardens
Jalan Panglima Pantar
Sebong Lagoi Kabupaten Bintan
Telp: +62 770692505 Fax : +62 770692550
Email : reservation@nirwanagardens.com


  1. Nirwana Gardens memang tau bikin tamunya betah ya, banyak sekali wahana yang mereka siapkan agar tamunya dapat pengalaman banyak selama berlibur disana dan cafenya juga apik :)

  2. Nirwana keren abiz deh, lokasinya luas fasilitas permainannya juga lengkap dan menarik. sama sekali tidak rugi kalau berlibur ke Nirwana ini

    1. Apalagi kalau liburan sama orang yang asik ya kaaaan. Bikin betah.

  3. Fasilitasnya banyak, pantainya cantik, hotelnya nyaman.. mantap banget deh resort-nya..

    1. Ihiiiir, pokoknya seneng deh liburan ke Nirwana Resort.

  4. Bawa anakku kesini pasti dia seneng, ada gajahnya..hehe

    1. Pasti seneng dan jadi memorable banget buat anaknya.

  5. salah satu resor di bintan yang lengkap fasilitas dan varian kamarnya dari sejutaan sampe 60 juta smlm

    1. Yup, lengkap dan tinggal pilih mau yang mana, hehe.

  6. Ah.
    Review hotel dan resort keren keren nih Eka.
    Traveling terus.
    Bikin mupeng !

    1. Yuk mulai traveling lagi, anaknya dibawa, eaaak.

  7. Gajahnya akrab banget. Sampe meluk gitu. Belum pernah saya sedekat itu sama gajah

    1. Nanti dicoba duduk sedekat itu sama gajah bang, ngeri-ngeri sedap wkkkk..

  8. Mupeng pengen coba parasailing.. Seru banget kayaknya

    1. Seru banget mba Dian, pas lagi duduk melayang gitu rasanya damai. 7 menit kemudian mikir, eh ini kok turunnya lama banget yaq? (mikir dalam hati) hihi.. Aslinya pengen cepetan lihat hasil video, wkkk.

  9. The elephants look so friendly.... and the parasailing was also much fun, wasn't it? You are so lucky have experienced all of those excited tourism attraction. Nice review girl!

    1. Yuhuuu, lucky me mba. Everything was nice, I really enjoyed all the activities at Nirwana Resort. Thank you ^-^.

  10. compmete ya fasilitasnya. tempatnya juga nyaman banget. seru pasti nih

  11. seru nih kalo punya ninebot sendiri di rumah
    buat keliling2 komplek, heuheuheu

    1. Pastinya seru banget karena main Ninebot bikin ketagihan.

  12. kerennnnnn bingitt... translate dong.. hehehehhe

    1. Tinggal masukin teks ke Google translate, wkkkk.

  13. Keren banget nih riview liburannya jadi kwpengen berliburan juga menikmati layanan nirwana resort

    1. Yuk liburan kak, biar happy dan awet muda liat pemandangan Indah ^-^.

  14. Seru bikin mupeng
